Sunday, February 15, 2009

Out Sick

I hate getting colds. It seemed like my immune system used to be strong enough to beat up squirrels in my back yard. I never got sick! Working in hospitals and nursing homes seemed to keep me strong and immune from almost everything. Now that I have my own business, I only see a set number of people each month. Guess I'm turning into a wimp. I seem to catch everything now! Nasty head cold this week, settled into my chest. I have very little voice left and talking makes me cough. My family loves it! I can't yell at anyone . . .

My weight watchers progress is right where it was two weeks ago. I lost the 3 pounds I had gained. My weigh in on Thursday showed that I was only 0.2 pounds below where I was the week before. I felt like I had lost more considering how poor my appetite had been and all the soup I was living on. My struggle will come when I'm feeling 100 percent again and I start eating again. Right now I'm not really watching what I'm eating.

Tracking is so important for me. If I don't track, I gain so easily. It's too easy to just eat whatever . . . never realizing how high in fat/calories/points this or that is. But when I pay attention and plan my day out, I can do so well. I just have to keep reminding myself of that as I continue in maintenance as a Lifetime Weight Watchers member.

I'm a bit worried about exercise too. I haven't been on my elliptical in over a week. So is it that I'm still sick and hate exercising because it makes me cough? Or is it that I hate exercising and am just looking for excuses? I guess if I'm feeling good enough to worry about it, it's time to get back to working out. Or at least a good walk in the afternoon.


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